Simple and easy design tool

create your design online and export to PDF in three simple steps

Select, Edit, Download — Validex's design templates are yours!

Select and customize a template and go...

Designing your items has never been easier!

If you need a simple and quick designtool, you've found it! You can shop for any design template, customize it yourself - using your own images and text - and finaly download the completed artwork as a ready to print PDF file.

Simply create your own page layout!

Insert your images and logo's

Make your design to be one-of-a-kind that will stand out! Once registered you will get access to our Design Marketplace gallery which offers customizable design templates for any use in a wide assortment of themes - everything from personal cards, party invites and postcards, to letterhead and stationary items and even wedding invitations! You can customize each template for your own unique event using your own artwork, photographs and text!

Create postcards, stationary, brochure's, ad's and more...

Customizable in any way by editable text, fonts, sizes, colors, styles, etc.

We offer an array of customizable templates created by talented designers. You can easily search for the perfect postcard design template by theme, color, font and more. Choose a style that suits your needs, upload your image, add your own text, and you’re set! With Validex’s high-quality postcard design, you know you’re creating a high-res quality design ready for print.

PDF export

Export PDF, ready for professional printing!

Once you are done and ready creating your artwork, the next (and last) step is exporting as PDF file. For example to print it on your own printer or even ready for a professional printershop. The PDF file will be in high resolution and best quality!


Free design, credits only required for downloading

Downloading your artwork will cost just a few credits, right when you start creating your artwork, the number of credits required will be displayed. However you won't need any credits for designing, but only when you are done and ready for the final (PDF) export of your artwork you need to have the credits in your account.

New user?

SignUp today!

Register as a new user, It's totaly free! Once your registration has been processed, we will activate your login and user account.

Need help?

Simply contact us!

If you require any help with your design, Validex’s customer service team is available to assist you in the designing process. Contact us for any design related questions!